--- title: Vainglory --- ## T3 items by use {: .-one-column} ### Items by use | Use | CP | WP | Util | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | __Anti-armor/shield__ | [Myth][BM] | [Bonesaw][BS], [Tension][TB] | | | __Stacking damage__ | [Myth][BM] | [Break][BP] | | | __Lifesteal__ | [Eve][Eve] | [Serpent][SM], [Shiv][PS] | | | __Raw power__ | [Shatterglass][SG] | [Sorrowblade][SB] | | | __Burst damage__ | [Aftershock][AS] | [Tension][TB] | | | __Attack speed__ | [AC][AC] | [Tornado][TT], [Break][BP] | | | __Critical__ | | [Monocle][TM] | | | __Auto-attack damage__ | [AC][AC], [Aftershock][AS] | _everything_ | [Stormcrown][SC] | | __Cooldown__ | [Clockwork][CW], [Aftershock][AS] | Spellsword | [Stormcrown][SC], [Contraption][Con], [Nullwave][Null], [Halcyon Boots][HBoot] | | __Slow__ | [Frostburn][FB] | | [Shiversteel][SS] | | __Reflex block__ | | | [Aegis][Aegis] (self/shield)
[Crucible][Cru] (team/HP) | | __Ability repeat__ | [Echo][Echo] | | | {: .-left-align.-headers} ## Tier 3 items {: .-one-column} ### Crystal power | Item | Cost | CP | Use | | ---- | --- | --- | --- | | AS: [Aftershock][AS] | 2400 | +35 cp | __Basic dmg, atk speed__
*+basic dmg after ability*, +25% cooldown, +2.5 recharge | | EoH: [Eve of Harvest][Eve] | 2600 | +55 cp | __Lifesteal__
*+10% lifesteal*, +250 energy, +5 recharge | | AC: [Alternating Current][AC] | 2800 | +60 cp | __Basic dmg__
*+basic dmg based on CP*, +65% atk speed | | BM: [Broken Myth][BM] | 2150 | +70 cp | __Stack dmg__
+10% shield pierce, stacking dmg | | FB: [Frostburn][FB] | 2600 | +100 cp | __Slow__
*slow for 1.5s* at (10% + 1% per 10CP) | | SG: [Shatterglass][SG] | 3000 | +150 cp | __Raw power__
- | | CW: [Clockwork][CW] | 2500 | +30% cp | __Cooldown__
*+40% cooldown*, +250 energy, +7.5 recharge | | [Echo][Echo] | 2500? | | __Ability repeat__
+250 energy, +4 recharge | {: .-left-align.-headers} [AS]: http://www.vaingloryfire.com/vainglory/wiki/items/aftershock [AC]: http://www.vaingloryfire.com/vainglory/wiki/items/alternating-current [Eve]: http://www.vaingloryfire.com/vainglory/wiki/items/eve-of-harvest [SG]: http://www.vaingloryfire.com/vainglory/wiki/items/shatterglass [BM]: http://www.vaingloryfire.com/vainglory/wiki/items/broken-myth [CW]: http://www.vaingloryfire.com/vainglory/wiki/items/clockwork [FB]: http://www.vaingloryfire.com/vainglory/wiki/items/frostburn [Echo]: http://www.vaingloryfire.com/vainglory/wiki/items/echo ### Weapon power | Item | Cost | WP | Other | | ---- | --- | --- | --- | | TT: [Tornado Trigger][TT] | 2600 | | __Atk speed__
*+75% atk speed*, +20% crit change, +20% crit dmg | | BS: [Bonesaw][BS] | 2700 | +15 wp | __Armor shred__
*stacking armor shred* | | TB: [Tension Bow][TB] | 2300 | +45 wp | __Bonus dmg__
*bonus dmg every 6s*, +8% armor pierce | | TM: [Tyrant's Monocle][TM] | 2750 | +50 wp | __Crit__
*+40% crit chance*, +20% crit dmg | | BP: [Breaking Point][BP] | 2600 | +55 wp | __Stacking dmg__
*stacking weapon dmg*, +35% atk speed | | SM: [Serpent Mask][SM] | 2800 | +85 wp | __Lifesteal__
*stacking lifesteal*, +10% lifesteal | | SB: [Sorrowblade][SB] | 3100 | +150 wp | __Raw power__
- | | PS: [Poisoned Shiv][PS] | 2250 | +30 wp | __Mortal wounds__
*mortal wounds for 2s*, +10% lifesteal, +30% atk speed | | SS: Spellsword | ? | +90 wp | __Cooldown__
? | {: .-left-align.-headers} [BS]: http://www.vaingloryfire.com/vainglory/wiki/items/bonesaw [BP]: http://www.vaingloryfire.com/vainglory/wiki/items/breaking-point [SM]: http://www.vaingloryfire.com/vainglory/wiki/items/serpent-mask [SB]: http://www.vaingloryfire.com/vainglory/wiki/items/sorrowblade [TB]: http://www.vaingloryfire.com/vainglory/wiki/items/tension-bow [TT]: http://www.vaingloryfire.com/vainglory/wiki/items/tornado-trigger [TM]: http://www.vaingloryfire.com/vainglory/wiki/items/tyrants-monocle [PS]: http://www.vaingloryfire.com/vainglory/wiki/items/poisoned-shiv ### Utilities | Item | Cost | HP | Use | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | [Halcyon Chargers][HBoot] | 2300 | +200 hp | 👟 __Boots__
+15% cooldown, +250 energy, +4 recharge | | [Stormcrown][SC] | 2200 | +200 hp | 🔴 __Bonus dmg__
+30% cooldown, +4 recharge, bonus true damage | | [Journey Boots][JBoot] | 1900 | +250 hp | 👟 __Boots__
damaging heroes resets sprint cooldown | | [Nullwave Gauntlet][Null] (2.0) | 2250 | +300 hp | 😶 __Item silence__
+25% cooldown | | [Contraption][Con] | 2100 | +350 hp | 👀 __Vision__
traps/flares, +40% cooldown, +3 recharge | | [Shiversteel][SS] | 1450 | +500 hp | 🐌 __Slow__
active: slow targets | | [War Treads][WBoot] | 2500 | +600 hp | 👟 __Boots__
gives sprint to nearby teammates | {: .-left-align.-headers} ### Defense | Item | Cost | HP | Armor | Shield | Use | | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | | [Aegis][Aegis] | 2250 | | +30 ar | +125 sh | ✊__Reflex block__ (self) | | [Fountain of Renewal][Fountain] | 2300 | +200 hp | +30 ar | +75 sh | ❤ __Heal__ allies | | [Atlas Pauldron][Atlas] | 1900 | | +85 ar | +35 sh | 🐌 __Slow__ target attack speed | | [Metal Jacket][Metal] | 2100 | | +170 ar | +35 sh | | | [Crucible][Cru] | 1850 | +600 hp | | | ✊ __Reflex block__ (team) | | [Slumbering Husk][Husk] (2.0) | 1600 | +400 hp | | | __Fortification__ against burst damage | {: .-left-align.-headers} [Fountain]: http://www.vaingloryfire.com/vainglory/wiki/items/fountain-of-renewal [Cru]: http://www.vaingloryfire.com/vainglory/wiki/items/aegis [Aegis]: http://www.vaingloryfire.com/vainglory/wiki/items/aegis [Atlas]: http://www.vaingloryfire.com/vainglory/wiki/items/atlas-pauldron [Metal]: http://www.vaingloryfire.com/vainglory/wiki/items/metal-jacket [Husk]: http://www.vaingloryfire.com/vainglory/wiki/items/slumbering-husk [Null]: http://www.vaingloryfire.com/vainglory/wiki/items/nullwave-gauntlet ### Boots | Item | Movement speed | HP | Sprint | Use | | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | | [War Treads][WBoot] | +0.4 | +600 hp | 2s (60s cooldown)
incl. nearby teammates | __HP, assist__ | | [Halcyon Chargers][HBoot] | +0.5 | | 3s (50s cooldown) | __Energy__ | | [Journey Boots][JBoot] | +0.6 | +250 hp | 2s (60s cooldown)
damaging resets cooldown | __Gap close__ | {: .-left-align.-headers} [Con]: http://www.vaingloryfire.com/vainglory/wiki/items/contraption [HBoot]: http://www.vaingloryfire.com/vainglory/wiki/items/halcyon-chargers [WBoot]: http://www.vaingloryfire.com/vainglory/wiki/items/war-treads [JBoot]: http://www.vaingloryfire.com/vainglory/wiki/items/journey-boots [SC]: http://www.vaingloryfire.com/vainglory/wiki/items/stormcrown [SS]: http://www.vaingloryfire.com/vainglory/wiki/items/shiversteel ## Skill tier names ### Skill tier names | Just Beginning | 1 | | Getting There | 2 | | Rock Solid | 3 | | Worthy Foe |4 | | Got Swagger | 5 | | Credible Threat | 6 | | The Hotness | 7 | | Simply Amazing | 8 | | Pinnacle of Awesome | 9 | | Vainglorious | 10 | See: [Skill tier names](http://www.vaingloryfire.com/vainglory/forum/general-discussion/bronze-silver-gold-rankings-5312) ## References - Last updated for Vainglory 1.22 with some 2.0 stuff. - [Vaingloryfire.com](http://www.vaingloryfire.com/) - [Version history](http://forums.vainglorygame.com/index.php?threads/41129/) (forums.vainglorygame.com) - [Skill tier points](http://brokenmyth.net/skill-tier-point-far-next-tier/#more-10043) (brokenmyth.net)