--- title: Stencil category: JavaScript libraries updated: 2019-05-08 keywords: - "@Component" - "@Prop()" - "@State()" - "render()" - "componentWillLoad()" - "componentWillUpdate()" - "Templating" - "Lifecycle" intro: | [Stencil](https://github.com/ionic-team/stencil) is a compiler for web components made by the Ionic team. This guide targets Stencil v0.0.5. --- ## Quick-start guide {: .-three-column} ### Getting started {: .-prime} #### JavaScript ```js import { Component, Prop, State } from '@stencil/core' @Component({ tag: 'my-component', styleUrl: 'my-component.scss' }) export class MyComponent { @Prop() name: string @State() isVisible: boolean = true render () { return

I am {this.name}!

) } } ``` #### HTML ```html ``` That's the same example in the [Readme](https://github.com/ionic-team/stencil), that's as simple as you can get! Just use `` like you would use any other HTML tag. ### DOM events ```js export class MyComponent { render () { return ( this.inputChanged(event)} /> ) } inputChanged (event) { console.log('input changed:', event.target.value) } } ``` {: data-line="5,10,11"} Stencil uses DOM events. See: [Handling user input](https://stenciljs.com/docs/templating/#handling-user-input) ### Multiple children ```js render () { return [

Hello there


This component returns multiple nodes

] } ``` {: data-line="3,4"} `render()` can return an array of elements. See: [Complex template content](https://stenciljs.com/docs/templating#complex-template-content) ## State ### Managing state ```js export class MyComponent { @State() isVisible: boolean show () { this.isVisible = true } } ``` {: data-line="4,5"} Just do assignments. You can't do mutations though, see next section. See: [Managing component state](https://stenciljs.com/docs/decorators#managing-component-state) ### Updating arrays and objects #### ✗ Bad ```js this.names.push('Larry') // ⚠️ this.options.show = true // ⚠️ ``` #### ✓ OK ```js this.names = [ ...this.names, 'Larry' ] this.options = { ...this.options, show: true } ``` Mutable operations such as `push()` won't work. You'll need to assign a new copy. See: [Updating arrays](https://stenciljs.com/docs/reactive-data/#updating-arrays) ## Slots ### Using slot ```html Hello, friends ``` {: data-line="2"} #### Component ```js render() { return

} ``` {: data-line="2"} You can pass JSX/HTML as child elements. Use the `slot` tag to use them inside your component. See: [Slots](https://stenciljs.com/docs/templating#slots) ### Multiple slots ```html



``` {: data-line="2,3"} #### Component ```js render () { return
} ``` {: data-line="3,4"} See: [Slots](https://stenciljs.com/docs/templating#slots) ## Lifecycle ### Lifecycle hooks | Event | Description | | --- | --- | | `componentWillLoad()` | Before rendering | | `componentDidLoad()` | After rendering | | --- | --- | | `componentWillUpdate()` | Before updating | | `componentDidUpdate()` | After updating | | --- | --- | | `componentDidUnload()` | After unmounting | See: [Component lifecycle](https://stenciljs.com/docs/component-lifecycle) ### Example ```js export class MyComponent { componentWillUpdate () { console.log('updating') } } ``` ## References - [Stencil docs](https://stenciljs.com/docs/) _(stenciljs.com)_