--- title: Rails tricks category: Rails tags: [Archived] archived: This sheet may describe practices that might be outdated. --- ### Sass source maps in config/environments/development.rb: # Source maps for Sass config.sass.debug_info = true config.sass.line_comments = false # Don't break apart config.assets.debug = false ### Partial locals <%= render 'article', full: true %> <%= render 'article' %> <% if local_assigns[:full] %> ... <% end %> ### HTML in i18n en: read_more_html: "read more..." ### Exception handling # config/application.rb config.exceptions_app = self.routes get '/404', to: 'errors#not_found' get '/500', to: 'errors#server_error' class ErrorsController def not_found render status: :not_found end end ### Rails updating rake rails:update ### Distinct pluck Article.distinct.pluck('author') ### Relation#merge scope :with_drafts, -> { uniq.joins(:articles).merge(Article.draft) } ### Order scope :recent, -> { order created_at: :desc } ### Group by month .group("to_char(created_at, 'YYYY-MM')") .group("to_char(created_at, 'YYYY-MM')").count