--- title: Minitest category: Ruby --- ### Usage require 'minitest/autorun' describe "X" do before do .. end after do .. end subject { .. } let(:list) { Array.new } it "should work" do assert true end end ### Specs (.must/.wont) expect(x) .must_be :==, 0 .must_equal b .must_be_close_to 2.99999 .must_be_same_as b .must_include needle .must_be_empty .must_be_kind_of .must_be_instance_of .must_be_nil .must_match /regex/ .must_be :<=, 42 .must_respond_to msg .must_be_silent ( proc { "no stdout or stderr" }.must_be_silent) .must_output "hi" proc { ... }.must_output out_or_nil [, err] proc { ... }.must_raise exception proc { ... }.must_throw sym ### Test class TestHipster < Minitest::Test def setup @subject = ["silly hats", "skinny jeans"] end def teardown @hipster.destroy! end def test_for_helvetica_font assert_equal "helvetica!", @hipster.preferred_font end def test_not_mainstream refute @hipster.mainstream? end end ### Assertions assert assert_block { ... } assert_empty assert_equal 2, @size assert_in_delta @size, 1, 1 assert_in_epsilon assert_includes @list, "item" assert_instance_of Array, @list assert_kind_of Enumerable, @list assert_match @str, /regex/ assert_nil assert_operator @n, :==, 0 assert_output assert_raises assert_respond_to assert_same assert_send assert_silent assert_throws ### Minitest::Mock A simple and clean mock system. There two essential methods at our disposal: expect and verify. require 'minitest/autorun' describe Twipster, "Make every tweet a hipster tweet." do before do @twitter = Minitest::Mock.new @twipster = Twipster.new(@twitter) end it "should append a #lolhipster hashtag and update Twitter with our status" do tweet = "Skyrim? Too mainstream." @twitter.expect :update, true, ["#{tweet} #lolhipster"] @twipster.submit(tweet) assert @twitter.verify # verifies tweet and hashtag was passed to `@twitter.update` end end ### Reporters gem 'minitest-reporters' require 'minitest/reporters' Minitest::Reporters.use! Minitest::Reporters::SpecReporter.new [Default, Spec, Progress, RubyMate, RubyMine, JUnit]