--- title: Meow category: JavaScript libraries updated: 2017-10-30 weight: -1 intro: | [meow](https://npmjs.com/package/meow) is the easiest way to write command line apps for Node.js. --- ### Typical settings ```js const cli = require('meow')(` Usage: appname [options] Options: --lang LANG set the language Other options: -h, --help show usage information -v, --version print version info and exit `, { string: ['lang'], boolean: ['help', 'version'], alias: { h: 'help', v: 'version' } }) ``` `string` and `boolean` lets meow/minimist know which flags expect arguments (`string`) and which don't (`boolean`). ### Using the result ```js cli.flags // { lang: 'en' } cli.input // [] ``` Yes, flags are automatically camelCased! ### Lesser-used settings ```js meow(`...`, { // Default values if flags are not specified default: { lang: 'en' }, // allow using -- to stop processing flags '--': true, // Populate `_` with first non-option stopEarly: true, // Invoked on unknown param unknown: function () { ... } }) ``` Also see [minimist](minimist.html).