--- title: Linux --- ### Read/Write/Execute a file $ chmod +rwx App $ ./App ### Remove $ rm namefile $ rm -d Directory $ rm -rf Directory_with_files ### Copy file to a folder $ cp namefile Downloads $ ls namefile Desktop Documents Downloads Music Pictures Public Templates Videos $ cd Downloads ~/Downloads$ ls namefile ### Create empty file $ touch namefile $ touch --help ### Show in the terminal the file $ cat namefile $ cat --help ### Create new directory $ mkdir name $ mkdir --help ### list files from directory $ ls Desktop Documents Downloads Music Pictures Public Templates Videos $ ls --help ### Mounting a RAM drive $ mount -t tmpfs -o size=5G,nr_inodes=5k,mode=700 tmpfs /tmp ### Visudo sudo visudo username ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:/sbin/restart whatever ### Display the amount of available disk space ```sh df df -h # human-readable format df -a # all filesystems ``` ### Display disk usage ```sh du du -hsx * | sort -rh | head -10 # largest 10 folders ``` ### Answer yes in a bash script ```bash yes | /your/command ```