--- title: Knex updated: 2020-06-03 category: Databases intro: | [Knex](http://knexjs.org/) is an SQL query builder for Node.js. This guide targets v0.13.0. --- ## Getting started {: .-three-column} ### Connect ```js require('knex')({ client: 'pg', connection: 'postgres://user:pass@localhost:5432/dbname' }) ``` See: [Connect](#connect-1) ### Create table ```js knex.schema.createTable('user', (table) => { table.increments('id') table.string('name') table.integer('age') }) .then(() => ···) ``` See: [Schema](#schema) ### Select ```js knex('users') .where({ email: 'hi@example.com' }) .then(rows => ···) ``` {: data-line="2"} See: [Select](#select-1) ### Insert ```js knex('users') .insert({ email: 'hi@example.com' }) ``` {: data-line="2"} See: [Insert](#insert-1) ### Update ```js knex('users') .where({ id: 135 }) .update({ email: 'hi@example.com' }) ``` {: data-line="2,3"} See: [Update](#update-1) ### Migrations ```bash knex init knex migrate:make migration_name knex migrate:make migration_name -x ts # Generates a TypeScript migration file knex migrate:latest knex migrate:rollback ``` See: [Migrations](#migrations-1) ### Seeds ```bash knex seed:make seed_name knex seed:make seed_name -x ts # Generates a TypeScript seed file knex seed:run # Runs all seed files knex seed:run --specific=seed-filename.js # Runs a specific seed file ``` See: [Seeds](http://knexjs.org/#Seeds) ## Connect {: .-three-column} ### Libraries | `pg` | PostgreSQL | | `mysql` | MySQL or MariaDB | | `sqlite3` | Sqlite3 | | `mssql` | MSSQL | Install any of these packages along with `knex`. See: [Node.js installation](http://knexjs.org/#Installation-node) ### Connect via host ```js var knex = require('knex')({ client: 'mysql', connection: { host: '', user: 'your_database_user', password: 'your_database_password', database: 'myapp_test' }, pool: { min: 0, max: 7 } }) ``` {: data-line="2,3"} See: [Initializing the library](http://knexjs.org/#Installation-client) ### Connect via URL ```js var pg = require('knex')({ client: 'pg', connection: process.env.DATABASE_URL, searchPath: 'knex,public', pool: { min: 0, max: 7 } }) ``` {: data-line="2,3"} ### Connect via Sqlite ```js var knex = require('knex')({ client: 'sqlite3', connection: { filename: './mydb.sqlite' } }) ``` {: data-line="2,3"} ## Select ### Where ```js knex .from('books') .select('title', 'author', 'year') ``` #### Where ```js .where('title', 'Hello') .where({ title: 'Hello' }) .whereIn('id', [1, 2, 3]) .whereNot(···) .whereNotIn('id', [1, 2, 3]) ``` #### Where conditions ```js .whereNull('updated_at') .whereNotNull(···) ``` ```js .whereExists('updated_at') .whereNotExists(···) ``` ```js .whereBetween('votes', [1, 100]) .whereNotBetween(···) ``` ```js .whereRaw('id = ?', [1]) ``` #### Where grouping ```js .where(function () { this .where('id', 1) .orWhere('id', '>', 10) }) ``` See: [Where clauses](http://knexjs.org/#Builder-wheres) ### Join ```js knex('users') ``` #### Basic join ```js .join('contacts', 'users.id', '=', 'contacts.id') .join('contacts', {'users.id': 'contacts.id'}) ``` #### Strings ```js .join('accounts', 'accounts.type', '=', knex.raw('?', ['admin'])) ``` #### Directions ```js .leftJoin(···) .leftOuterJoin(···) .rightJoin(···) .rightOuterJoin(···) .outerJoin(···) .fullOuterJoin(···) .crossJoin(···) ``` #### Raw ```js .joinRaw('natural full join table1') ``` #### Grouping ```js .join('accounts', function () { this .on('accounts.id', '=', 'users.account_id') .orOn('accounts.owner_id', '=', 'users.id') .onIn('accounts.id', [1, 2, 3, 5, 8]) .onNotIn(···) .onNull('accounts.email') .onNotNull(···) .onExists(function () { this.select(···) }) .onNotExists(···) }) ``` See: [Join methods](http://knexjs.org/#Builder-join) ### Others ```js knex('users') .distinct() ``` #### Group ```js .groupBy('count') .groupByRaw('year WITH ROLLUP') ``` #### Order ```js .orderBy('name', 'desc') .orderByRaw('name DESC') ``` #### Offset/limit ```js .offset(10) .limit(20) ``` #### Having ```js .having('count', '>', 100) .havingIn('count', [1, 100]) ``` #### Union ```js .union(function() { this.select(···) }) .unionAll(···) ``` See: [Query builder](http://knexjs.org/#Builder) ### Etc ```js knex('users') .pluck('id') .then(ids => { ··· }) ``` ```js knex('users') .first() .then(user => { ··· }) ``` #### Booleans ```js .count('active') .count('active as is_active') ``` #### Numbers ```js .min('age') .max('age') .sum('age') .sumDistinct('age') .avg('age') ``` See: [Query builder](http://knexjs.org/#Builder) ## Schema ### Create table ```js knex.schema.createTable('accounts', table => { ``` #### Columns ```js table.increments('id') table.string('account_name') table.integer('age') table.float('age') table.decimal('balance', 8, 2) table.boolean('is_admin') table.date('birthday') table.time('created_at') table.timestamp('created_at').defaultTo(knex.fn.now()) table.json('profile') table.jsonb('profile') table.uuid('id').primary() ``` #### Constraints ```js table.unique('email') table.unique(['email', 'company_id']) table.dropUnique(···) ``` #### Indices ```js table.foreign('company_id') .references('companies.id') table.dropForeign(···) ``` #### Variations ```js table.integer('user_id') .unsigned() .references('users.id') ``` ```js }) .then(() => ···) ``` {: .-setup} See: [Schema builder](http://knexjs.org/#Schema) ### Alter table ```js knex.schema.table('accounts', table => { ``` #### Create ```js table.string('first_name') ``` #### Alter ```js table.string('first_name').alter() table.renameColumn('admin', 'is_admin') ``` #### Drop ```js table.dropColumn('admin') table.dropTimestamps('created_at') ``` ```js }) ``` {: .-setup} See: [Schema builder](http://knexjs.org/#Schema) ### Other methods ```js knex.schema .renameTable('persons', 'people') .dropTable('persons') ``` ```js .hasTable('users').then(exists => ···) .hasColumn('users', 'id').then(exists => ···) ``` See: [Schema builder](http://knexjs.org/#Schema) ## Modifying {: .-three-column} ### Insert ```js knex('users') ``` #### Insert one ```js .insert({ name: 'John' }) ``` #### Insert many ```js .insert([ { name: 'Starsky' }, { name: 'Hutch' } ]) ``` See: [Insert](http://knexjs.org/#Builder-insert) ### Update ```js knex('users') .where({ id: 2 }) .update({ name: 'Homer' }) ``` See: [Update](http://knexjs.org/#Builder-update) ### Delete ```js knex('users') .where({ id: 2 }) .del() ``` See: [Delete](http://knexjs.org/#Builder-del) ## Migrations ### Setting up #### Create knexfile.js ``` ./node_modules/.bin/knex init ``` #### Create a migration ``` knex migrate:make migration_name knex migrate:make migration_name --env production ``` #### Run migrations ``` knex migrate:latest knex migrate:latest --env production ``` #### Rollback ``` knex migrate:rollback knex migrate:rollback --env production ``` See: [Migrations](http://knexjs.org/#Migrations)