--- title: Git extras category: Git intro: | Quick reference to some utilities in the [git-extras](https://github.com/tj/git-extras) utilities. --- ## References ### Git-flow ```sh $ git feature myfeature switched to branch 'feature/rofl' $ ... $ git checkout develop $ git feature finish myfeature merging 'feature/rofl' into develop deleted branch 'feature/rofl' ``` Also `git-bug` and `git-refactor`. ### Branches ```sh $ git delete-merged-branches # hint: do `git remote prune origin` after $ git create-branch development $ git delete-branch development $ git fresh-branch gh-pages ``` ### Inspecting ```sh $ git summary # repo age, commits, active days, etc $ git impact # impact graph $ git effort # commits per file ``` ### Github ```sh $ git fork strongloop/express # sync your fork with the original repository: $ git remote add upstream https://github.com/ORIGINAL_OWNER/ORIGINAL_REPOSITORY.git $ git fetch upstream; git merge upstream/master ``` ### Tags ```sh $ git release v1.0.0 # commit, tag, push-tags $ git delete-tag v1.0.0 ``` ### Conveniences ```sh $ git ignore "*.log" ``` ### Locking Assumes that changes will not be committed. ```sh $ git lock config/database.yml $ git unlock config/database.yml ``` ### Etc ```sh $ git obliterate secret.yml # remove all references to it ``` ### References - https://github.com/visionmedia/git-extras