--- title: Ember.js category: JavaScript libraries tags: [Archived] archived: This sheet describes an older version of Ember. --- {% raw %} ### Routes Router.map(function() { this.route('trips', function() { this.route('item', { path: '/:tripId' }); }); this.route('upcoming'); this.route('about', { path: '/aboutus' }); this.route('schedules'); this.route('history'); this.route('post', { path: '/post/:postId' }); }); ### A route import Route from '@ember/routing/route'; export default PostRoute extends Route { model({ postId }) { // Post will be accessible as `this.model` in the controller // or `{{@model}}` in the template. return this.store.find('post', postId); } } ### Component import Component from '@glimmer/component'; import { tracked } from '@glimmer/tracking'; export default PostEditor extends Component { @tracked title; get fullTitle() { return `Post: ${title}`; } titleUpdate(event) { this.title = event.target.value; } } ### Template


Invoking the component: {% endraw %}