--- title: Bulma category: CSS prism_languages: [css, html] weight: -1 updated: 2018-11-19 authors: - github: benolot description: | Basic guide on how to use Bulma, the lightweight css flexbox framework. --- ### Screen sizes ``` 768 1024 1216 1408 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' <---------^------------^------------------^-------------^-------------> mobile tablet desktop widescreen fullhd ``` ### Columns ```css .container ``` Wrap as many `.column`'s' as you like in a `.columns` wrapper ```html
``` ### Modifiers The following CSS classes affect the **colour**. ```css .is-primary .is-link .is-info .is-success .is-warning .is-danger ``` The following classes modify the **size**. ```css .is-small .is-medium .is-large ``` The following classes modify the **state**. ```scss .is-outlined .is-loading ``` ### Typography Helpers The following classes modify the **font-size** | Class | Font-size | | --- | --- | | `.is-size-1` | 3rem | | `.is-size-2` | 2.5rem | | `.is-size-3` | 2rem | | `.is-size-4` | 1.5rem | | `.is-size-5` | 1.25rem | | `.is-size-6` | 1rem | | `.is-size-7` | 0.75rem | The following classes **align** the text | Class | Alignment | | --- | --- | | `.has-text-centered` | Makes the text **centered** | | `.has-text-justified` | Makes the text **justified** | | `.has-text-left`. | Makes the text align to the **left** | | `.has-text-right` | Makes the text align to the **right** | The following classes **transform** the text | Class | Transformation | | --- | --- | | `.is-capitalized` | Transforms the **first character** of each word to **uppercase** | | `.is-lowercase` | Transforms **all** characters to **lowercase** | | `.is-uppercase` | Transforms **all** characters to **uppercase** | ### WYSIWYG Content ```html



``` To provide default stylings for commonly generated WYSIWYG contents, use the `.content` class.