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2017-10-18 10:16:22 +00:00
title: Watchexec
updated: 2017-10-18
category: CLI
weight: -1
- "watchexec --excts js,jsx -- npm test"
- "watchexec --help"
intro: |
[mattgreen/watchexec]( runs commands whenever certain files change.
### Installation
#### OSX
brew install watchexec
#### Rust
cargo install watchexec
For Linux and Windows, get it from [GitHub releases](
### Getting started
watchexec --exts js,jsx -- npm test
Runs `npm test` when `js,jsx` files change.
watchman -w lib -w test -- npm test
Runs `npm test` when `lib/` and `test/` files change.
### Other options
#### Flags
| `-c` `--clear` | Clear screen |
| `-r` `--restart` | Restart process if its still running |
#### Options
| `-s` `--signal SIGKILL` | Kill signal to use |
| `-d` `--debounce MS` | Debounce by `MS` milliseconds |
| `-e` `--exts EXTS` | Extensions |
| `-i` `--ignore PATTERN` | Ignore these files |
| `-w` `--watch PATH` | Watch these directories |
## Also see
* [mattgreen/watchexec]( _(