Welcome to url-minify πŸ‘‹

[![All Contributors](https://img.shields.io/badge/all_contributors-26-orange.svg?style=flat-square)](#contributors-) License: MIT Twitter: BRAVO68WEB

## πŸ“œ Overview #### ➑️ Link: https://minfy.xyz #### What is URL MiniFy? A URL shortener build with Nextjs, ExpressJS, MongoDB #### Technologies Used:
## 🎯 Getting Started #### How to Contribute? Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome! Feel free to check the [issues page](https://github.com/BRAVO68WEB/url-minify/issues). - Read the full guide here: [Contributing Guide](CONTRIBUTING.md) - Detailed document on how to contribute: [How to Contribute](HOW_TO_CONTRIBUTE.md) ### βœ’οΈ Summary 1. Fork this repository on GitHub. 2. Clone the forked repository in your computer. `$ git clone https://github.com//url-minify.git` `$ cd url-minify` 3. Add a remote (upstream) to the original project repository `$ git remote add upstream https://github.com/BRAVO68WEB/url-minify.git` `$ git fetch upstream` `$ git checkout main` `$ git merge upstream/main` This makes your fork up to date with the original project repo. #### Installation and Usage 4. Go the folder where you want to contribute: `$ cd frontend` OR `cd backend` 5. Install the dependencies and run the development server using: `$ npm install` `$ npm run start` #### We can start making changes now! πŸ₯³ 6. Make your changes. Then, stage and commit them using: `$ git add .` `$ git commit -m "This is a commit message"` 7. Push your changes to your forked repository. `$ git push -u origin main` 8. Go to your forked repository on GitHub. Create a pull request from the `πŸ”ƒContribute` button provided there. Contribute -> Open pull request -> Create pull request. (Make sure you write a detailed description of the changes you have made.) #### And you're done! 🀩🀩
## 😊 Author **BRAVO68WEB** - Website: https://bravo68web.me - Twitter: [@BRAVO68WEB](https://twitter.com/BRAVO68WEB) - GitHub: [@BRAVO68WEB](https://github.com/BRAVO68WEB) - LinkedIn: [@BRAVO68WEB](https://linkedin.com/in/BRAVO68WEB)
## 🎑 Participations #### Past:

GSSoC (https://gssoc.girlscript.tech/)

JWOC (https://jwoc.tech/)

## ✨ Our Contributors Thanks goes to these wonderful people:

Dhruv Pruthi


Chirag Bhalotia


Daksh Gupta




Pratyay Roy




Aaheli Sadhukhan


Koustav Mondal


Himanshu Sanecha




Omar Sherif Ali


Aaditya Sinha


Abhay Verma


### 😽 Show your support Star the repository if this project helped you! ⭐️ ### 🀝 Contributing Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome! - Feel free to check the [issues page](https://github.com/BRAVO68WEB/url-minify/issues). - Read the full guide here: [Contributing Guide](CONTRIBUTING.md) - Detailed document on how to contribute: [How to Contribute](HOW_TO_CONTRIBUTE.md) ### πŸ“ License Copyright Β© 2022 [BRAVO68WEB](https://github.com/BRAVO68WEB). This project is [MIT](LICENSE) licensed. This project follows the [all-contributors](https://github.com/all-contributors/all-contributors) specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!