
229 lines
6.6 KiB

package routes
import (
const fileHandler = "file"
// ServeUpload handles all incoming POST requests to /upload. It will take a multipart form, parse the file,
// then write it to disk.
func ServeUpload(ctx *fasthttp.RequestCtx) {
auth := security.IsAuthorized(ctx)
if !auth {
mp, e := ctx.Request.MultipartForm()
if e != nil {
if e == fasthttp.ErrNoMultipartForm {
response.SendJSONResponse(ctx, response.JSONResponse{
Status: response.RequestStatusError,
Data: nil,
Message: "No multipart form was present in the request.",
}, fasthttp.StatusOK)
response.SendJSONResponse(ctx, response.JSONResponse{
Status: response.RequestStatusError,
Data: nil,
Message: fmt.Sprintf("The multipart form couldn't be parsed. %v", e),
}, fasthttp.StatusOK)
defer ctx.Request.RemoveMultipartFormFiles()
if mp.File == nil || len(mp.File[fileHandler]) == 0 {
response.SendJSONResponse(ctx, response.JSONResponse{
Status: response.RequestStatusError,
Data: nil,
Message: "No files were sent.",
}, fasthttp.StatusOK)
f := mp.File[fileHandler][0]
if global.Configuration.RateLimit.Bandwidth.Upload > 0 && global.Configuration.RateLimit.Bandwidth.ResetAfter > 0 {
isUploadBandwidthLimitNotReached, err := security.Try(ctx, global.RedisClient, fmt.Sprintf("%s_%s", constants.RateLimitBandwidthUpload, utils.GetIP(ctx)), int64(global.Configuration.RateLimit.Bandwidth.Upload), int64(global.Configuration.RateLimit.Bandwidth.ResetAfter), f.Size)
if err != nil {
response.SendJSONResponse(ctx, response.JSONResponse{
Status: response.RequestStatusInternalError,
Data: nil,
Message: fmt.Sprintf("Bandwidth limit could not be checked. %v", err),
}, fasthttp.StatusOK)
if !isUploadBandwidthLimitNotReached {
response.SendJSONResponse(ctx, response.JSONResponse{
Status: response.RequestStatusError,
Data: nil,
Message: "Upload bandwidth limit reached; try again later.",
}, fasthttp.StatusTooManyRequests)
ext := path.Ext(f.Filename)
if len(ext) > constants.ExtensionLengthLimit {
response.SendJSONResponse(ctx, response.JSONResponse{
Status: response.RequestStatusError,
Data: nil,
Message: "File extension is too long.",
}, fasthttp.StatusOK)
openedFile, e := f.Open()
if e != nil {
response.SendJSONResponse(ctx, response.JSONResponse{
Status: response.RequestStatusInternalError,
Data: nil,
Message: fmt.Sprintf("File could not be opened. %v", e),
}, fasthttp.StatusOK)
defer func() {
_ = openedFile.Close()
mimeType, e := mimetype.DetectReader(openedFile)
if e != nil {
response.SendJSONResponse(ctx, response.JSONResponse{
Status: response.RequestStatusInternalError,
Data: nil,
Message: "Cannot detect the mime type of this file.",
}, fasthttp.StatusOK)
status := security.FilterCheck(ctx, mimeType.String())
if status == security.FilterFail {
// response already sent if filter check failed, so no need to send anything here
_, e = openedFile.Seek(0, io.SeekStart)
if e != nil {
response.SendJSONResponse(ctx, response.JSONResponse{
Status: response.RequestStatusInternalError,
Data: nil,
Message: fmt.Sprintf("Reader could not be reset to its initial position. %v", e),
}, fasthttp.StatusOK)
var fileName string
attempts := 0
// loop until an unoccupied id is found
for {
fileId := utils.RandString(global.Configuration.Storage.IDLength)
fileName = fileId + ext
i, e := os.Stat(path.Join(global.Configuration.Storage.Directory, fileName))
if e != nil {
if os.IsNotExist(e) || e == os.ErrNotExist {
if i == nil {
if attempts >= global.Configuration.Storage.CollisionCheckAttempts {
response.SendJSONResponse(ctx, response.JSONResponse{
Status: response.RequestStatusError,
Data: nil,
Message: "Tried too many times to find a valid file ID to use. Consider increasing the ID length.",
}, fasthttp.StatusOK)
destFile, err := os.Create(path.Join(global.Configuration.Storage.Directory, fileName))
defer func() {
_ = destFile.Close()
if err != nil {
if err == os.ErrPermission {
response.SendJSONResponse(ctx, response.JSONResponse{
Status: response.RequestStatusInternalError,
Data: nil,
Message: fmt.Sprintf("Permission to create the file was denied. %v", err),
}, fasthttp.StatusOK)
response.SendJSONResponse(ctx, response.JSONResponse{
Status: response.RequestStatusInternalError,
Data: nil,
Message: fmt.Sprintf("Failed to create the file. %v", err),
}, fasthttp.StatusOK)
masterKey := utils.RandString(global.Configuration.Encryption.EncryptionKeyLength)
key, err := encryption.DeriveKey([]byte(masterKey), []byte(global.Configuration.Encryption.Nonce))
if err != nil {
response.SendJSONResponse(ctx, response.JSONResponse{
Status: response.RequestStatusInternalError,
Data: nil,
Message: fmt.Sprintf("Failed to generate encryption key. %v", err),
}, fasthttp.StatusOK)
if _, err = sio.Encrypt(destFile, openedFile, sio.Config{Key: key[:]}); err != nil {
if _, ok := err.(sio.Error); ok {
response.SendJSONResponse(ctx, response.JSONResponse{
Status: response.RequestStatusInternalError,
Data: nil,
Message: fmt.Sprintf("Failed to write encrypted file to disk. %v", err),
}, fasthttp.StatusOK)
if global.Configuration.Logging.Enabled {
logger.InfoLogger.Printf("File %s was created, size: %d", fileName, f.Size)
targetPath := fmt.Sprintf("%s?enc_key=%s", fileName, masterKey)
if global.Configuration.ForceZeroWidth || string(ctx.QueryArgs().Peek("zerowidth")) == "1" {
targetPath = utils.StringToZeroWidth(targetPath)
response.SendJSONResponse(ctx, response.JSONResponse{
Status: response.RequestStatusOK,
Data: struct {
URI string `json:"uri"`
Path string `json:"path"`
FileName string `json:"file_name"`
EncryptionKey string `json:"encryption_key"`
URI: global.Configuration.Domain + "/" + targetPath,
Path: targetPath,
FileName: fileName,
EncryptionKey: masterKey,
Message: "",
}, fasthttp.StatusOK)