import { PaginationType } from '../types' export const makeResponse = ( data: any, meta_data: any = null, message = 'Success' ) => ({ message, error: false, meta_data, data, }) const joinPrefix = (...keys: string[]) => keys.join('_') export const flattenObject = (obj: any, prefix = '') => { let newObj: any = {} for (const key in obj) { const pfx = prefix ? joinPrefix(prefix, key) : key if (obj[key] instanceof Object) { newObj = { ...newObj, ...flattenObject(obj[key], pfx) } } else { newObj = { ...newObj, [pfx]: obj[key] } } } return newObj } export const cleanObject = (obj: any) => { const newObj: any = obj for (const k in obj) { if ( (!k || !obj[k] || typeof k === 'undefined') && typeof obj[k] !== 'boolean' && obj[k] !== 0 ) delete obj[k] } return newObj } //helpful for update apis, such that an existing field can be updated to null export const cleanObjectKeepNull = (obj: any) => { const newObj: any = obj for (const k in obj) { if ( (!k || !obj[k] || typeof k === 'undefined') && typeof obj[k] !== 'boolean' && obj[k] !== 0 && obj[k] !== null ) delete obj[k] } return newObj } export const paginateRequest = (q: any): PaginationType => { const filter_keys = Object.keys(q).filter((c) => c.startsWith('filter_')) const filters = filter_keys.length ? filter_keys .map((filter_key) => { const filter_subset = filter_key .replace('filter_', '') .split('.') let mode = typeof q[filter_key] === 'number' ? '_eq' : '_iregex' // check if the provided value if uuid - if so, we use the _eq operator to match if (q[filter_key].includes('-')) { mode = '_eq' } return parseFilter(filter_subset, q[filter_key], 0, mode) }) .reduceRight((agg, cur) => { const [cur_key] = Object.keys(cur) if (cur_key in agg) { if (Array.isArray(agg[cur_key])) { agg[cur_key].push(cur) } else { cur[cur_key] = [cur[cur_key], agg[cur_key]] } return cur } return { ...agg, ...cur, } }, {}) : undefined return { page: parseInt( || 0, limit: parseInt(q.limit || q.items) || 50, sort_by: q.sort_by, sort_order: q.sort_order || 'asc', filters, } as PaginationType } // parse the filter from the query string into the filter object with graphql where object format export const parseFilter = ( filter: string[], value: string, index = 0, filterMode = '_iregex' ) => { let fx: any = { [filterMode]: value } if (index < filter.length - 1) { fx = parseFilter(filter, value, index + 1, filterMode) } const key = filter[index] return { [key]: fx } } //returns input timestamp - input hours in datestring export const subtractHours = (date: Date, hours: number) => { date.setHours(date.getHours() - hours) return date.toISOString() } export const capitalizeEachWord = (str: string) => { return str .split(' ') .map((word) => !word.length ? '' : word[0].toUpperCase() + word.slice(1).toLowerCase() ) .join(' ') } //filters requested key-values from an object export const pick = (object: any, keys: any) => { return keys.reduce((obj: any, key: any) => { // removed hasOwnProperty check because of typescript compiler error if (object && key in object) { obj[key] = object[key] } return obj }, {}) } /** * Get the sort column from the parsed query params and validate them based on a provided list of options * @param pg_sort_by Query parameter from which the sort column needs to be located. * @param def Default value if the parse fails * @param options List of valid columns that can be used as filters */ export const getSortColumn = ( pg_sort_by?: string, def = 'id', options: string[] = [] ) => { pg_sort_by ||= def return options.includes(pg_sort_by) ? pg_sort_by : def } /** * Check whether a string matches the uuid format for postgres or not. */ export const is_uuid = (value: string) => { // storing as a separate regex object for future modifications and code readibility const regex = /^()/ return regex.test(value) }