
118 lines
3.3 KiB

const CopyWebpackPlugin = require("copy-webpack-plugin");
const LiveReloadPlugin = require("webpack-livereload-plugin");
const path = require("path");
module.exports = {
webpack: function (config, env) {
if (!config.plugins) config.plugins = [];
* Use index.php instead of index.html
const htmlPluginIndex = config.plugins.findIndex(
obj =>
obj.options !== "undefined" &&
obj.options.filename !== "undefined" &&
obj.options.template !== "undefined"
if (htmlPluginIndex > -1) {
config.plugins[htmlPluginIndex].options = Object.assign(
template: config.plugins[htmlPluginIndex].options.template.replace(
filename: "index.php",
* Excluding PHP from asset bundling.
* File-loader automatically handles every file that is not
* explicitly tested for in webpack.config.js
const moduleRules = config.module.rules[config.module.rules.length - 1].oneOf;
const fileLoaderRuleIndex = moduleRules.findIndex(
obj => typeof obj.loader === "string" && obj.loader.indexOf("file-loader") > -1
config.module.rules[config.module.rules.length - 1].oneOf = moduleRules;
var util = require("util");
var fs = require("fs");
fs.writeFileSync("./data.json", util.inspect(moduleRules), "utf-8");
* Custom Webpack plugins
// Copies all files found in /public to the build directory
// `index.php` won't be copied, as it is still being modified by webpack by other plugins
// This way, Webpack will also keep an eye on these files in watch mode.
new CopyWebpackPlugin([
from: "public/",
ignore: ["index.php", "*.old.*"],
force: true,
from: "submodules/getID3/getid3/*gif*",
to: "protected/getID3",
flatten: true,
from: "submodules/getID3/getid3/*jpg*",
to: "protected/getID3",
flatten: true,
from: "submodules/getID3/getid3/*png*",
to: "protected/getID3",
flatten: true,
from: "submodules/getID3/getid3/*svg*",
to: "protected/getID3",
flatten: true,
from: "submodules/getID3/getid3/*getid3*",
to: "protected/getID3",
flatten: true,
from: "submodules/getID3/getid3/*audio-video.mpeg*",
to: "protected/getID3",
flatten: true,
from: "submodules/getID3/getid3/*tag*",
to: "protected/getID3",
flatten: true,
if (process.env.NODE_ENV === "development") {
new LiveReloadPlugin({
appendScriptTag: true,
quiet: true,
return config;
paths: function (origPaths, env) {
return Object.assign(origPaths, {
appHtml: path.resolve(__dirname, "../public/index.php"),