
268 lines
7.6 KiB

import React, { useEffect, useCallback, useRef, useState } from "react";
import { useToasts } from "../../_DesignSystem";
import gifJS from "gif.js";
import axios from "../../_interceptedAxios";
import { Progress } from "@microsoft/fast-components-react-msft";
* gif.js can use a faster quantization through WASM
const canWasm = window["WebAssembly"] !== null;
* Maximal size of a single GIF chunk when uploading
const chunkSize = 1024 * 1024;
* Framerate of the output GIF
const desiredFramerate = 8;
* Percentage to compare current percentage to
let lastText = "";
* Gif.js instance
const gif = new gifJS({
window.location.origin +
"/static/js/" +
(canWasm ? "gif.worker-wasm.js" : "gif.worker.js"),
workers: 4,
quality: 8,
// globalPalette: true,
width: 0,
height: 0,
// dither: "Atkinson",
// dither: false,
repeat: 0,
const VideoGifGenerator: React.ComponentType<{}> = props => {
const { addToast, updateToast, removeToast } = useToasts();
* An array containing video IDs that need GIF equivalents.
const taskList = useRef<{ id: string }[]>([]);
* Current progress with the conversion of a video
type progressPercentage = number;
const [progressPercentage, setProgress] = useState(null);
* ID of the toast that is used to display the progress
* of generating and uploading a GIF
type toastId = string;
const [toastId, setToastId] = useState<string>(null);
const [curFileId, setCurFileId] = useState(null);
* Generates a gif from an already uploaded video via gif.js
* @param fileID Already existing id for a video file.
const generateGif = useCallback((fileID: string[8]) => {
if (taskList.current.length <= 0) return;
const videoEl = document.createElement("video"); = "none";
videoEl.preload = "metadata";
videoEl.autoplay = false;
* Seeks video to given time, adds the frame to gif.js and progresses to
* the next GIF frame by calling itself again.
* @param time Video time to seek to in seconds
* @param seekSummand Number in seconds by which `time` should progress after successful seeking
const seekVideo = (time: number, seekSummand: number) => {
const seekHandler = () => {
console.log("Loaded Data at " + videoEl.currentTime + "!");
videoEl.removeEventListener("seeked", seekHandler);
// Setting progress for toast
setProgress((videoEl.currentTime * 33) / videoEl.duration);
// Start GIF rendering if there is no frame to add anymore
if (videoEl.currentTime >= videoEl.duration) {
console.log("Finished at " + videoEl.currentTime + ", now rendering!");
gif.addFrame(videoEl, { copy: true, delay: seekSummand * 1000 });
seekVideo(time + seekSummand, seekSummand);
videoEl.addEventListener("seeked", seekHandler);
videoEl.currentTime = time;
videoEl.addEventListener("loadedmetadata", () => {
console.log("Loaded Metadata!", videoEl.duration);
const seekSummand = 1 / desiredFramerate;
gif.frames = [];
width: videoEl.videoWidth,
height: videoEl.videoHeight,
seekVideo(0, seekSummand);
// NOTE: MP4 is hardcoded!
videoEl.src = `${window.location.origin}/${fileID}.mp4`;
}, []);
* Removes first object from the task list and
* requests a GIF generation for the next item in the list.
const shiftToNextGif = useCallback(() => {
if (taskList.current.length <= 0) return;
}, [generateGif]);
* Starts uploading procedure.
* The GIF is split into small chunks and uploaded into a
* temporary folder. Finally, a stitching request will tell
* the server to combine the chunks and create an optimized
* version of the full GIF.
const uploadGif = useCallback(
(gifBlob: Blob) => {
const uploadGifChunk = async (chunkNum: number) => {
const curID = taskList.current[0].id;
const postData = new FormData();
const offset = chunkNum * chunkSize;
const blobChunk = gifBlob.slice(offset, offset + chunkSize);
* After uploading all chunks, we need to tell the server
* to start stitching them together.
const isStitchRequest = blobChunk.size === 0;
!isStitchRequest ? "video-gif-upload" : "video-gif-stitch"
postData.append("id", curID);
postData.append("chunkNum", chunkNum.toString());
postData.append("data", !isStitchRequest ? blobChunk : null);
try {
await + "/api/finishAdminTask.php", postData);
if (!isStitchRequest) uploadGifChunk(chunkNum + 1);
else shiftToNextGif();
} catch (err) {
// Skip current GIF if another client is already uploading
if (typeof err.code !== "undefined" && err.code === 423) {
addToast("error.gifUpload", { appearance: "error" });
console.log("error.gifUpload", "\n", err.message, err, typeof err);
[addToast, shiftToNextGif]
useEffect(() => {
(async () => {
try {
const res = await axios.get(window.location.origin + "/api/getAdminTasks.php", {
params: { type: "video-gif" },
if ( {
taskList.current =;
} catch (err) {
addToast("error.requestTaskList", { appearance: "error" });
console.log("error.requestTaskList", "\n", err.message);
return () => {};
}, [addToast, generateGif]);
useEffect(() => {
const gifFinishHandler = uploadGif;
const handleGifProgress = (progress: number) => {
setProgress((progress * 100 * 33) / 100 + 33);
gif.addListener("finished", gifFinishHandler);
gif.addListener("progress", handleGifProgress);
return () => {
gif.removeListener("finished", gifFinishHandler);
gif.removeListener("progress", handleGifProgress);
}, [uploadGif]);
useEffect(() => {
let toastId: string = null;
<Progress minValue={0} maxValue={100} />,
title: `Spinning up GIF generator...`,
appearance: "info",
autoDismiss: false,
(id: string) => {
toastId = id;
return () => {
if (toastId) removeToast(toastId);
// eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps
}, [removeToast, addToast]);
useEffect(() => {
if (!toastId || !curFileId) return;
let title = "";
if (progressPercentage < 33)
title = `Preparing ${curFileId}.mp4 to convert to GIF...`;
if (progressPercentage >= 33) title = `Generating ${curFileId}.gif...`;
if (progressPercentage >= 66) title = `Uploading ${curFileId}.gif...`;
if (title !== lastText) {
lastText = title;
updateToast(toastId, { title } as any);
console.log(`${title} - ${progressPercentage}%`);
}, [curFileId, progressPercentage, toastId, updateToast]);
return null;
export default VideoGifGenerator;