
224 lines
7.0 KiB

const CopyWebpackPlugin = require("copy-webpack-plugin");
const LiveReloadPlugin = require("webpack-livereload-plugin");
const fs = require("fs");
const path = require("path");
const color = require("chalk").default;
* Terminates the process with an error message and alerts the user
* that the currently installed version of react-scripts might not support this script.
* @param {string} stepMsg The error message to tell which step of overriding the config failed.
* @param {Error} err A caught `Error` instance.
function overrideError(stepMsg, err = new Error("Unknown error!")) {
"This might be due to a change in react-scripts' config since the last update of this override function."
module.exports = {
webpack: function (config, env) {
if (!config.plugins) config.plugins = [];
* Use index.php instead of index.html
try {
const htmlPluginIndex = config.plugins.findIndex(
obj =>
obj.options !== "undefined" &&
obj.options.filename !== "undefined" &&
obj.options.template !== "undefined"
if (htmlPluginIndex > -1) {
config.plugins[htmlPluginIndex].options = Object.assign(
template: config.plugins[htmlPluginIndex].options.template.replace(
filename: "index.php",
} catch (err) {
'Error while changing "index.html" to "index.php" in webpack\'s config!',
* Excluding PHP from asset bundling.
* File-loader automatically handles every file that is not
* explicitly tested for in webpack.config.js
try {
const moduleRules = config.module.rules[config.module.rules.length - 1].oneOf;
const fileLoaderRuleIndex = moduleRules.findIndex(
obj => typeof obj.loader === "string" && obj.loader.indexOf("file-loader") > -1
// Apply modifications to the actual config
config.module.rules[config.module.rules.length - 1].oneOf = moduleRules;
} catch (err) {
overrideError("Error while injecting PHP support to webpack's config!", err);
* Force copy everything to build directory
* and include getID3 & gif.js
try {
// Abort compiling if getid3 is missing
if (
!fs.existsSync(path.resolve(__dirname, "../submodules/getID3/getid3/getid3.php"))
) {
console.log(color.underline(color.magenta('Submodule "getID3" was not found!')));
console.log("Make sure you have also downloaded getID3 when using git clone.");
console.log("You will most likely be able to fix this problem by doing:");
console.log("> " + color.yellow("git submodule update --init --recursive"));
new CopyWebpackPlugin([
* Copies all files found in /public to the build directory
* `index.php` won't be copied, as it still needs to be modified by other plugins
* As an added bonus, Webpack will also keep an eye on these files in watch mode.
from: "public/",
ignore: ["index.php", "*.old.*", "**/*.old.*"],
force: true,
from: "submodules/getID3/getid3/*gif*",
to: "protected/getID3",
flatten: true,
from: "submodules/getID3/getid3/*jpg*",
to: "protected/getID3",
flatten: true,
from: "submodules/getID3/getid3/*png*",
to: "protected/getID3",
flatten: true,
from: "submodules/getID3/getid3/*svg*",
to: "protected/getID3",
flatten: true,
from: "submodules/getID3/getid3/*getid3*",
to: "protected/getID3",
flatten: true,
from: "submodules/getID3/getid3/*audio-video.mpeg*",
to: "protected/getID3",
flatten: true,
from: "submodules/getID3/getid3/*tag*",
to: "protected/getID3",
flatten: true,
from: "submodules/getID3/getid3/*mpeg*",
to: "protected/getID3",
flatten: true,
from: "submodules/getID3/getid3/*audio-video.quicktime*",
to: "protected/getID3",
flatten: true,
from: "submodules/getID3/getid3/*audio.mp3*",
to: "protected/getID3",
flatten: true,
from: "submodules/gif.js/",
to: "static/js",
ignore: ["*.old.*"],
force: true,
} catch (err) {
overrideError("Error while adding CopyWebpackPlugin to webpack's config!", err);
* Custom Service Worker support via worker-loader
* Since both eslint as well as babel need to take care of
* these scripts, it is far simpler to tell webpack inside the source-code
* how to cope with service workers. We do this by using `worker-loader!`
* as an inline import argument.
* The code below appends additional parameters for the worker-loader.
* This way, we can avoid many DRY issues.
try {
const origEslintLoaderIndex = config.module.rules.findIndex(
obj =>
typeof obj.enforce === "string" &&
obj.enforce.indexOf("pre") > -1 &&
obj.use[0].loader.indexOf("eslint-loader") > -1
loader: require.resolve("string-replace-loader"),
options: {
search: /worker-loader!/gm,
replace: match => `${match.slice(0, -1)}?name=static/js/[name].js!`,
} catch (err) {
overrideError("Error while injecting worker-loader to webpack's config!", err);
* Custom live-reload, since we don't use webpack-dev-server
if (env === "development") {
try {
new LiveReloadPlugin({
appendScriptTag: true,
quiet: true,
} catch (err) {
overrideError("Error while injecting LiveReloadPlugin to webpack's config!", err);
return config;
paths: function (origPaths, env) {
return Object.assign(origPaths, {
appHtml: path.resolve(__dirname, "../public/index.php"),