
101 lines
2.9 KiB

/* eslint-disable import/prefer-default-export */
import sharp from 'sharp';
import ffmpeg from 'fluent-ffmpeg';
import tmp from 'tmp';
import fs from 'fs';
import util from 'util';
import path from 'path';
import { FFMPEG_EXISTS, IMAGE_DIR } from '../utils/config';
import { getImage } from './imageService';
import logger from '../utils/logger';
* Promisified fluent-ffmpeg screenshots call
* @param filepath path to the source file
* @param folder path to the output folder
* @returns a promise with an array of created filenames
const ffmpegScreenshotPromise = (
filepath: string,
folder: string,
): Promise<string[]> => new Promise((resolve) => {
const ffmpegCommand = ffmpeg(`${filepath}`);
let resultArray: string[] = [];
count: 1,
filename: 'temp.png',
.on('end', () => {
.on('error', () => {
throw new Error('FFmpeg error.');
.on('filenames', (arr) => {
resultArray = arr;
* Asyncronously generate thumbnail for file with given dimensions
* @param filename Input file name
* @param thumbnailFormat Thumbnail format
* @param width Thumbnail width
* @param height Thumbnail height
* @return a promise with the thumbnail buffer
* @throws If called on video file with no ffmpeg available
export const getThumbnail = async (
filename: string,
thumbnailFormat: string,
width: number = 210,
height: number = 160,
): Promise<Buffer> => {
const image = await getImage(filename);
const readFilePromise = util.promisify(fs.readFile);
const unlinkFilePromise = util.promisify(fs.unlink);
let { imagebuffer } = image;
logger.verbose('Thumbnail cache miss.');
// Take a screenshot from videos
if (image.filetype.startsWith('video')) {
throw new Error(
'Attempted to create thumbnail for video without ffmpeg installed.',
const tmpDir = tmp.dirSync();
try {
await ffmpegScreenshotPromise(
path.join(IMAGE_DIR, filename),,
imagebuffer = await readFilePromise(`${}/temp.png`);
await unlinkFilePromise(`${}/temp.png`);
} catch (e) {
// Convert the buffer into requested format
switch (thumbnailFormat) {
case 'jpeg':
return sharp(imagebuffer)
.resize(width, height, { fit: 'outside' })
.jpeg({ quality: 60 })
case 'webp':
return sharp(imagebuffer)
.resize(width, height, { fit: 'outside' })
case 'avif':
return sharp(imagebuffer)
.resize(width, height, { fit: 'outside' })
throw new Error(`Unknown filetype ${thumbnailFormat}.`);