
174 lines
6.3 KiB

/* eslint-disable no-await-in-loop */
import { EntityRepository } from '@mikro-orm/core';
import { InjectRepository } from '@mikro-orm/nestjs';
import { BadRequestException, Injectable, Logger } from '@nestjs/common';
import { randomUUID } from 'crypto';
import { once } from 'events';
import type { FastifyReply, FastifyRequest } from 'fastify';
import ffmpeg from 'fluent-ffmpeg';
import { readdir, readFile, rm, stat } from 'fs/promises';
import { DateTime } from 'luxon';
import mime from 'mime-types';
import { tmpdir } from 'os';
import { join } from 'path';
import sharp from 'sharp';
import type { File } from '../file/file.entity.js';
import { FileService } from '../file/file.service.js';
import { StorageService } from '../storage/storage.service.js';
import type { Thumbnail } from './thumbnail.entity.js';
export class ThumbnailService {
private static readonly THUMBNAIL_SIZE = 200;
private static readonly THUMBNAIL_TYPE = 'image/webp';
private static readonly IMAGE_TYPES = new Set(
.map((key) => mime.lookup(key))
.filter((key) => key && key.startsWith('image')),
private static readonly VIDEO_TYPES = new Set([
private readonly log = new Logger(ThumbnailService.name);
@InjectRepository('Thumbnail') private readonly thumbnailRepo: EntityRepository<Thumbnail>,
@InjectRepository('File') private readonly fileRepo: EntityRepository<File>,
private readonly storageService: StorageService,
private readonly fileService: FileService,
) {}
async getThumbnail(fileId: string) {
return this.thumbnailRepo.findOneOrFail(fileId);
async createThumbnail(file: File) {
const start = Date.now();
let data: Buffer;
if (ThumbnailService.IMAGE_TYPES.has(file.type)) {
data = await this.createImageThumbnail(file);
} else if (ThumbnailService.VIDEO_TYPES.has(file.type)) {
data = await this.createVideoThumbnail(file);
} else {
throw new BadRequestException('That file type does not support thumbnails.');
// todo: ideally we could extract both file and thumbnail metadata during
// thumbnail generation, saving two additional file reads.
const thumbnailMetadata = await sharp(data).metadata();
if (ThumbnailService.IMAGE_TYPES.has(file.type)) {
// todo: this should probably be done elsewhere, this is just a convenient
// time to grab this data.
const filePath = this.storageService.getPathFromHash(file.hash);
const fileMetadata = await sharp(filePath).metadata();
file.metadata = { height: fileMetadata.height, width: fileMetadata.width };
const duration = Date.now() - start;
const thumbnail = this.thumbnailRepo.create({
data: data,
duration: duration,
size: data.length,
type: ThumbnailService.THUMBNAIL_TYPE,
width: thumbnailMetadata.width!,
height: thumbnailMetadata.height!,
file: file,
await this.thumbnailRepo.flush();
return thumbnail;
private async createImageThumbnail(file: File) {
const supported = ThumbnailService.IMAGE_TYPES.has(file.type);
if (!supported) throw new Error('Unsupported image type.');
this.log.debug(`Generating thumbnail for ${file.id} (${file.type})`);
const filePath = this.storageService.getPathFromHash(file.hash);
return sharp(filePath).resize(ThumbnailService.THUMBNAIL_SIZE).toFormat('webp').toBuffer();
private async createVideoThumbnail(file: File) {
const supported = ThumbnailService.VIDEO_TYPES.has(file.type);
if (!supported) throw new Error('Unsupported video type.');
const tempId = randomUUID();
const tempDir = join(tmpdir(), `.thumbnail-workspace-${tempId}`);
const filePath = this.storageService.getPathFromHash(file.hash);
this.log.debug(`Generating video thumbnail at "${tempDir}"`);
// i have no clue why but the internet told me that doing it in multiple invocations is faster
// and it is so whatever. maybe there is a way to do this faster, but this is already pretty fast.
const positions = ['5%', '10%', '20%', '40%'];
const size = `${ThumbnailService.THUMBNAIL_SIZE}x?`;
for (const [positionIndex, percent] of positions.entries()) {
const stream = ffmpeg(filePath).screenshot({
count: 1,
timemarks: [percent],
folder: tempDir,
size: size,
fastSeek: true,
filename: `%b-${positionIndex + 1}.webp`,
await once(stream, 'end');
const files = await readdir(tempDir);
let largest: { size: number; path: string } | undefined;
for (const file of files) {
const path = join(tempDir, file);
const stats = await stat(path);
if (!largest || stats.size > largest.size) {
largest = { size: stats.size, path };
if (!largest) {
await rm(tempDir, { recursive: true, force: true });
throw new Error('No thumbnails were generated');
this.log.debug(`Largest thumbnail is at "${largest.path}", ${largest.size} bytes`);
const content = await readFile(largest.path);
await rm(tempDir, { recursive: true, force: true });
return content;
static checkSupport(fileType: string) {
return ThumbnailService.IMAGE_TYPES.has(fileType) || ThumbnailService.VIDEO_TYPES.has(fileType);
async sendThumbnail(fileId: string, request: FastifyRequest, reply: FastifyReply) {
const existing = await this.thumbnailRepo.findOne(fileId, { populate: ['data'] });
if (existing) {
return reply
.header('X-Micro-Generated', 'false')
.header('Content-Type', ThumbnailService.THUMBNAIL_TYPE)
.header('Cache-Control', 'public, max-age=31536000')
.header('Expires', DateTime.local().plus({ years: 1 }).toHTTP())
.header('X-Content-Type-Options', 'nosniff')
const file = await this.fileService.getFile(fileId, request);
const thumbnail = await this.createThumbnail(file);
return reply
.header('X-Micro-Generated', 'true')
.header('X-Micro-Duration', thumbnail.duration)
.header('Content-Type', ThumbnailService.THUMBNAIL_TYPE)