
80 lines
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import type { Ref } from '@mikro-orm/core';
import { BeforeCreate, Entity, Property, type EventArgs } from '@mikro-orm/core';
import { ObjectType } from '@nestjs/graphql';
import type { FastifyRequest } from 'fastify';
import { config, hosts, rootHost } from '../config.js';
import type { User } from '../modules/user/user.entity.js';
import type { ResourceLocations } from '../types/resource-locations.type.js';
import { getHostFromRequest } from './get-host-from-request.js';
@Entity({ abstract: true })
@ObjectType({ isAbstract: true })
export abstract class Resource {
@Property({ nullable: true })
hostname?: string;
abstract owner?: Ref<User>;
abstract getPaths(): ResourceLocations;
getUrls() {
const baseUrl = this.getBaseUrl();
const formatted: Record<string, string> = {};
const paths = this.getPaths();
for (const key of Object.keys(paths)) {
const path = (paths as any)[key];
if (!path) continue;
formatted[key] = baseUrl + path;
return formatted as any as ResourceLocations;
getHost() {
if (!this.hostname) return rootHost;
const match = hosts.find((host) => host.normalised === this.hostname || host.pattern.test(this.hostname!));
if (match) return match;
return rootHost;
getBaseUrl() {
const owner = this.owner?.getEntity();
const host = this.getHost();
const hasPlaceholder = host.url.includes('{{username}}');
if (hasPlaceholder) {
if (!owner) return rootHost.url;
return host.url.replace('{{username}}', owner.username);
return host.url;
canSendTo(request: FastifyRequest) {
if (!this.hostname) {
return true;
const hostname = getHostFromRequest(request);
if (!config.restrictFilesToHost) return true;
// root host can send all files
if (hostname === rootHost.normalised) return true;
if (this.hostname === hostname) return true;
if (this.hostname?.includes('{{username}}')) {
// old files have {{username}} in the persisted hostname, migrating them
// to the new format is too difficult so this does a dirty comparison
// that should work for most use cases.
const withoutWildcard = this.hostname.replace('{{username}}', '');
return hostname.endsWith(withoutWildcard);
return false;
async onBeforePersist(args: EventArgs<Resource>) {
if (args.entity.hostname?.includes('{{username}}')) {
throw new Error('Host placeholders should be replaced before insert');