
101 lines
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import { loadConfig } from '@ryanke/venera';
import bytes from 'bytes';
import c from 'chalk';
import { randomBytes } from 'crypto';
import dedent from 'dedent';
import escapeStringRegexp from 'escape-string-regexp';
import ms from 'ms';
import z, { any, array, boolean, number, record, strictObject, string, union } from 'zod';
import { fromZodError } from 'zod-validation-error';
import { expandMime } from './helpers/expand-mime.js';
import { HostService } from './modules/host/host.service.js';
export type MicroHost = ReturnType<typeof enhanceHost>;
const schema = strictObject({
databaseUrl: string().startsWith('postgresql://'),
secret: string().min(6),
inquiries: string().email(),
uploadLimit: string().transform(bytes.parse),
maxPasteLength: number().default(500000),
allowTypes: z
.union([array(string()), string()])
.transform((value) => (value ? new Set(expandMime(value)) : null)),
storagePath: string(),
restrictFilesToHost: boolean().default(true),
purge: strictObject({
overLimit: string().transform(bytes.parse),
afterTime: string().transform(ms),
email: strictObject({
from: string().email(),
smtp: record(string(), any()),
conversions: array(
from: union([array(string()), string()]).transform((value) => new Set(expandMime(value))),
to: string(),
minSize: string().transform(bytes.parse).optional(),
hosts: array(
url: z
.transform((value) => value.replace(/\/$/, '')),
tags: array(string()).optional(),
redirect: string().url().optional(),
const data = loadConfig('micro');
const result = schema.safeParse(data);
if (!result.success) {
console.dir({ data, error: result.error }, { depth: null });
const pretty = fromZodError(result.error);
throw new Error(pretty.toString());
const getWildcardPattern = (url: string) => {
const normalised = HostService.normaliseHostUrl(url);
const escaped = escapeStringRegexp(normalised);
const pattern = escaped.replace('\\{\\{username\\}\\}', '(?<username>[a-z0-9-{}]+?)');
return new RegExp(`^(https?:\\/\\/)?${pattern}\\/?`, 'u');
const enhanceHost = (host: z.infer<typeof schema>['hosts'][0]) => {
const isWildcard = host.url.includes('{{username}}');
const normalised = HostService.normaliseHostUrl(host.url);
const pattern = getWildcardPattern(host.url);
return {
export const config = result.data as Omit<z.infer<typeof schema>, 'hosts'>;
export const hosts = result.data.hosts.map((host) => enhanceHost(host));
export const rootHost = hosts[0];
if (rootHost.isWildcard) {
throw new Error(`Root host cannot be a wildcard domain.`);
const disallowed = new Set(['youshallnotpass', 'you_shall_not_pass', 'secret', 'test']);
if (disallowed.has(config.secret.toLowerCase())) {
const token = randomBytes(24).toString('hex');
throw new Error(
${c.redBright.bold('Do not use the default secret.')}
Please generate a random, secure secret or you risk anyone being able to impersonate you.
If you're lazy, here is a random secret: ${c.underline(token)}