
102 lines
4.1 KiB

/* eslint-disable sonarjs/cognitive-complexity */
import type { TransformOptions, TransformCallback } from 'stream';
import { Transform } from 'stream';
// note: this is pretty much just a copy/paste of https://github.com/joshbuddy/exif-be-gone
// for some reason typescript refuses to load this module during `pnpm build` and will
// complain about `export = ExifTransformer` and i'm honestly not gonna spend another however
// long it takes to fix it on this. i'm fairly sure the only way to fix it is change how
// exif-be-gone is published and i'm not gonna bother when i can just copy/paste it and call it
// a day.
export class ExifTransformer extends Transform {
private static readonly app1Marker = Buffer.from('ffe1', 'hex');
private static readonly exifMarker = Buffer.from('457869660000', 'hex'); // Exif\0\0
private static readonly xmpMarker = Buffer.from('http://ns.adobe.com/xap', 'utf8');
private static readonly flirMarker = Buffer.from('FLIR', 'utf8');
private static readonly maxMarkerLength = Math.max(
private remainingBytes?: number;
private pending: Buffer[];
constructor(options?: TransformOptions) {
this.remainingBytes = undefined;
this.pending = [];
_transform(chunk: any, encoding: string, callback: TransformCallback) {
this._scrub(false, chunk);
_final(callback: TransformCallback) {
while (this.pending.length > 0) {
_scrub(atEnd: boolean, chunk?: Buffer) {
let pendingChunk = chunk ? Buffer.concat([...this.pending, chunk]) : Buffer.concat(this.pending);
// currently haven't detected an app1 marker
if (this.remainingBytes === undefined) {
const app1Start = pendingChunk.indexOf(ExifTransformer.app1Marker);
// no app1 in the current pendingChunk
if (app1Start === -1) {
// if last byte is ff, wait for more
if (!atEnd && pendingChunk.at(-1) === ExifTransformer.app1Marker[0]) {
if (chunk) this.pending.push(chunk);
} else {
// there is an app1, but not enough data to read to exif marker
// so defer
if (app1Start + ExifTransformer.maxMarkerLength + 4 > pendingChunk.length) {
if (atEnd) {
this.pending.length = 0;
} else if (chunk) {
// we have enough, so lets read the length
const candidateMarker = pendingChunk.slice(app1Start + 4, app1Start + ExifTransformer.maxMarkerLength + 4);
if (
ExifTransformer.exifMarker.compare(candidateMarker, 0, ExifTransformer.exifMarker.length) === 0 ||
ExifTransformer.xmpMarker.compare(candidateMarker, 0, ExifTransformer.xmpMarker.length) === 0 ||
ExifTransformer.flirMarker.compare(candidateMarker, 0, ExifTransformer.flirMarker.length) === 0
) {
// we add 2 to the remainingBytes to account for the app1 marker
this.remainingBytes = pendingChunk.readUInt16BE(app1Start + 2) + 2;
this.push(pendingChunk.slice(0, app1Start));
pendingChunk = pendingChunk.slice(app1Start);
// we have successfully read an app1/exif marker, so we can remove data
if (this.remainingBytes !== undefined && this.remainingBytes !== 0) {
// there is more data than we want to remove, so we only remove up to remainingBytes
if (pendingChunk.length >= this.remainingBytes) {
const remainingBuffer = pendingChunk.slice(this.remainingBytes);
this.pending = remainingBuffer.length > 0 ? [remainingBuffer] : [];
this.remainingBytes = undefined;
// this chunk is too large, remove everything
} else {
this.remainingBytes -= pendingChunk.length;
this.pending.length = 0;
} else {
// push this chunk
this.remainingBytes = undefined;
this.pending.length = 0;