version: '3.9' services: postgres: image: postgres:latest container_name: postgres restart: always environment: - POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgrespw - POSTGRES_DATABASE=postgres healthcheck: test: ['CMD-SHELL', 'pg_isready -U postgres'] interval: 10s timeout: 5s retries: 5 volumes: - postgres:/var/lib/postgresql/data redis: image: redis:alpine container_name: redis restart: on-failure volumes: - redis:/data api: image: container_name: api restart: always environment: - NODE_ENV=production - DATABASE_URL=postgresql://postgres:postgrespw@postgres:5432/postgres?schema=public&connect_timeout=300 - REDIS_URL=redis://redis:6379 # should be your frontend domain # e.g. - CORS_ORIGIN= # just smash random keys on your keyboard or use a password generator - SESSION_SECRET= # set to "true" if you want to use email verification - USE_MAIL=false - MAIL_HOST= - MAIL_PORT= - MAIL_USER= - MAIL_PASS= # e.g. ServiceName - MAIL_FROM= # set to "true" if you are going to use a reverse proxy - USE_PROXY=false # set to "true" if you are going to use SSL - USE_SSL=false # port for the container to listen on - PORT=3000 # should be local or s3 - UPLOADER=local # s3 config (only needed if you are using s3) - S3_ENDPOINT= - S3_ACCESS_KEY_ID= - S3_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY= - S3_BUCKET_NAME= - S3_REGION= # optional - COOKIE_NAME= ports: # 👇 Change this to whatever port you want - 8080:3000 depends_on: - postgres - redis volumes: - ./uploads:/app/uploads web: image: container_name: web restart: always ports: # 👇 Change this to whatever port you want - 8500:5000 environment: # should be your backend domain e.g. - NEXT_PUBLIC_API_URL= volumes: postgres: redis: